
Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday links

From Ian:

Steps to Disempower Iran by Christine Williams
"A coordinated effort is required by all Western allies, and these nations need to pull their weight; with the goal of isolating Iran. There is an urgent need for an approach of zero tolerance to Iran's terrorist strategies practiced both within its boundaries against dissidents and Westerners, and those exported by means of a fifth column in Western democracies. Taken straight from the Hezbollah's Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah: Being on the European terrorist list would "destroy Hizbollah," drying up its financial, political resources and moral support."

Lessons for Israel from Captured Iraqi Nuclear Documents by Dore Gold
"To prove their point that stability will not be the likely result of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, they cite a meeting of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council on March 27, 1979 in which Saddam presented his strategic thinking, when he was the de-facto ruler of Iraq and just about to formally become its president. His thinking was surprising for he explained that Iraqi nuclear weapons would neutralize what many believed was Israel’s nuclear capacity, thereby allowing Iraq to wage conventional war against Israel."

NGO Monitor: NGO Statements on the Rachel Corrie Verdict
NGO Conflicts of Interest: "The NGOs failed to disclose several conflicts of interest that call into question their ability to issue credible statements regarding this incident.
For example, HRW commented on the case without revealing that the Corrie family’s media contact during the trial, Stacy Sullivan, previously worked for HRW, a clear conflict of interest.
Amnesty International’s reporting is similarly marred. Both Amnesty International’s and Amnesty USA’s Israel researchers, Deborah Hyams and Edith Garwood, respectively, were activists in ISM around the time of the Corrie incident."

The Attacks on Israelis You Won’t Read About Anywhere Else, September 6-7

Disappointing Israel, Clinton says US won’t set deadlines for Iran
Netanyahu has been hoping Obama will specify ‘red lines’ that, if crossed by Iran, would prompt US military action

Ahmadinejad to address UN on Yom Kippur
Western leaders' speeches at General Assembly this year expected to focus on Iranian, Syrian issues. PM Netanyahu to speak day after Iranian president

Iranian rial plummets as sanctions take hold

The mission: Target Israelis
Iran's Quds Force, widely considered to be Tehran's black-ops arm, executes terror attacks overseas. Encouraged by its success in Burgas, it now has its sights on other destinations

Mexican authorities arrest suspected Hezbollah operatives
Two remain in custody, one extradited to the US

Syria transferred chemical weapons to port city last month, raising alarm bells,
report says

Russian and US warnings came after news that embattled regime had moved weapons

Greens Punished for their support of fringe issues including BDS
NSW (Australia) voters “thumped and punished” the Greens in the weekend NSW local government elections for their support for their support of fringe issues like the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) which attempted to de-legitimise the State of Israel.

UNESCO site in Uruguay points to a forgotten Jewish past
The small historical city of Colonia del Sacramento is slowly unearthing remnants of Port Jews who fled persecution on the Iberian peninsula and slowly assimilated in the New World.

Red Hot Chili Peppers visit Western Wall<