
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Hamas cracking down on Salafists in Gaza, and other news

From Ma'an:
Hamas security forces have detained 20 Salafi fighters in the Gaza Strip in a move to prevent rocket fire into Israel, a Salafi jihadist group said Tuesday.

The Salifist Jihadist Groups in the Environs of Jerusalem said 20 fighters were detained, and that security forces confiscated homemade projectiles and light weapons belonging to Salafi militants.

"Families of the fighters were assaulted by security forces during the arrests," the groups said in a statement, adding that several Salafi activists and leaders had been summoned by security services in Gaza.

The groups said Hamas security forces were seeking information about fighters affiliated to the Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, which has claimed responsibility for firing cross-border rockets and a June attack on Israel from Sinai. Israeli forces have assassinated several Salafi leaders.

Salifist Jihadist Groups in the Environs of Jerusalem warned Hamas there would be consequences for targeting their militants and said Salafi leaders "will not turn themselves in at any price."

Hamas has come under mounting pressure to crack down on Salafi fighters since 16 Egyptian officers were killed in an attack in Sinai. Egypt said Palestinian militants were involved in the operation.
Meanwhile, a Salafist group in Egypt denied rumors that they were negotiating with the Egyptian security authorities on avoiding fighting; while they denied having anything to do with the murder of 16 Egyptian troops they refused to condemn the attack and want to keep the option open of doing whatever they want in Egypt.

In other news, a local Jenin politician was murdered:
The head of a popular committee for public services was shot dead near Jenin refugee camp on Wednesday, Jenin officials said.

Hisham al-Rakh was shot several times by unidentified gunmen while driving his car in a mountainous area near the refugee camp, Jenin governor Talal Dweikat told Ma'an.
And a man was killed, and another seriously injured, by a tunnel collapse in Rafah.