
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer fun for kids in Nitzan: Decorating a bomb shelter

From United With Israel:

If you are in Israel, please join us for this very special event. Two above-ground shelters will be delivered and “dropped down” by a crane in the town of Nitzan. The children of Nitzan along with other children who attend the event, will decorate the shelters with hand-painted murals. A professional mural artist will be on hand to supervise the painting. All of the art supplies will be provided, as well as snacks and drinks!

Nitzan is a community of refugees from the once thriving Jewish communities of Gush Katif (in the Gaza Strip). Nearly 10,000 Jewish residents were forced to abandon their homes during one of the most painful and tragic episodes in Israel’s history, the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza. Instead of leading to peace, the Disengagement led to a sharp increase in rocket attacks into southern Israeli towns.

Many of the Gush Katif evacuees are still living in temporary dwellings. And some, like the families in Nitzan who live in close proximity to Gaza, still live with constant fear of sirens blaring and missiles landing in their communities. While they yearn for the day when they can live in peace with security, the realistic assessment is that attacks will intensify.

In Nitzan, there are two adjacent kindergartens that need shelters immediately. When asked if one shelter could be installed first, the reply was a resounding NO! The children and teachers expressed the incredible emotion that they “would prefer to suffer an attack and die together“, rather than choose which kindergarten would get the first shelter. “They must be installed together, at the very same moment”, we were told.

Back in April 2012, with the help of our strong global community of Israel supporters, United with Israel installed 2 shelters for infirmaries in the towns of Brachia and Hodaya, on the outskirts of Ashkelon. In less than 3 weeks from when the campaign was initiated, new bomb shelters were purchased, delivered and installed.

I wonder if any Arabs are donating so innocent Israelis can be safe from Gaza terror rockets. After all, the official line is that civilians aren't the targets, so we should expect rich Arabs to contribute to these shelter campaigns as well, just like many Jews are happy to donate to Palestinian Arab causes. Everyone agrees that Israeli kids don't deserve to die.


(h/t ehwhy)