
Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday links

From Ian:

Mitt Romney's speech in Jerusalem:


Romney's Remarkable Speech in Jerusalem by Daniel Pipes
"But of the whole speech, it is the final words that most struck me: "May God bless America, and may He bless and protect the Nation of Israel." When last did a politician ask the Lord to protect another country and not his own?"
Romney snubs Abbas, meets with Fayyad
Chief Palestinian negotiator blasts Romney over pro-Israel speech in Jerusalem
“Saeb Erekat says Republican candidate’s declarations come at the expense of the Palestinians and harm US interests in the Middle East”

Netanyahu: Obama's Sanctions Haven't Stopped Iran By “One Iota”
With Romney by his side, the Israeli Prime Minster deals a blow to President Barack Obama, saying sanctions aren't stopping Iran from pursuing a bomb.

PMW PA TV song: "Marry me off to a girl who will raise my children on carrying the rifle"

NGO Monitor: EU-funded NGOs vs. EU-Israel Cooperation

Italian Olympic Team Commemorates Munich Massacre
About 30 Italians, including Minister of Sport, stand in silence at the entrance to Israeli team's quarters.

A Truly Heroic Sportsman by Michael Curtis
“Gino Bartali, the legendary Tuscan Italian cyclist who died in 2000 and is acclaimed in his home country of Italy, but less well known internationally, is a heroic figure, not only in his sport, but even more outside of it, as documented in a recent biography.”

Sinai Jihadi group says responsible for Israel attack in June

CIFWatch (satire)Palestinians call for sanctions against Britain following Olympic opening; Lieberman to consider UK request to establish more Israeli settlements
“Palestinian non-negotiator Saeb (“we will only negotiate after you first agree to our terms”) Erekat pointed out that William Blake was really a Palestinian whose name was “Balak”, and the poem he wrote in 1492 was originally called “Al Kuds”. He wrote it after he invented algebra.”
“On the other hand”, Freedland continued,” if Israel has to try to absorb 60 millions Brits that could imperil the Jewish character of the State of Israel and the original Zionist concept of Manchester as a Jewish homeland.” The Guardian’s editors are still trying to understand his last comment and are wondering if it has anything to do with circumcision, a topic of great concern to its readers.


Two Australian BDSers found guilty of assault

No BDS for This Intractable Middle East Conflict (CAMERA)

NGO Monitor on EU relations with Israel vs. EU NGO's relations

(h/t Harry, O.)