
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Israel welcoming black Jews as citizens, so AP reports "racism"

Apartheid? AP seems to think so:
Israel's Cabinet has approved plans to bring in the last of Ethiopia's Jews over the next two years.

More than 120,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel after waves of immigration over the past three decades. Advocates say some 2,200 Jews remain in Ethiopia.

They are Falash Mura, members of a community that converted to Christianity under duress more than a century ago but have reverted to Judaism.

Some in Israel have questioned whether the Falash Mura are actually Jewish. Ethiopian immigrants are routinely required to go through a religious conversion process. Once in the country, many face problems assimilating because of cultural differences. Some say they encounter racism. 

The government said Sunday in a statement that it will open a $4.3 million absorption center in September to accommodate the newcomers.
Nine sentences in an article about Israel going out of its way to better the lives of thousands of blacks and to accept them as citizens - the only country in the world that would do so - and four of the sentences are negative.

I guess that's AP's idea of "even-handed" reporting.