
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Handicapped rowing champion sings Hatikva at medal ceremony

When Moran Samuel won the gold medal at a pre-Paralympic international competition in Italy, the organizers did not have a recording of Israel's national anthem Hatikvah to play at the medals ceremony.

They started playing some other anthem, and Samuel indicated that they were playing the wrong song.

So she asked for a microphone - and sang it herself.

The inspiring athlete, who became disabled when she was 24 because of a rare spinal stroke, summed up her reasons for doing what she did:

"If you see an obstacle as a barrier, it might defeat you. If you see it as a challenge - then do your best to overcome it."

Hebrew article here.

(h/t O)

UPDATE: Commenter Jack notes that the song being played really is a version of Hatikvah, with a very long introduction. See here.