
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Next hearing on Palmer murders on April 18th

I received an email from Michael Craig Palmer, father and grandfather to Asher and Yonatan Palmer, who were murdered last year in a terror attack.

The next significant public hearing for the murderers of Asher and Yonatan Palmer הי"ד will be on Wednesday, April 18, 10:30 a.m. at Machane Ofer.

The strong public support at the hearing on March 11 demonstrated strongly that terror victims and Israeli society at large expect justice from the justice system. This was not the message at the February hearing where there was barely any Jewish presence and the murderers openly received encouragement from their supporters in the courtroom! It is, I believe, very important to show the prosecution and the court that Asher and Yonatan, and all victims of terror, are remembered and that we demand justice for their murderers.

Please do what you can to get the word out about the April 18 hearing. Anyone interested in being there should contact me at [so he can submit the names to the army for security clearance - EoZ.]
