
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Links (Ian)

Anti-Pinkwashing Activist: Occupation of Palestine “One Of The Most Contentious Issues” In Queer Organizing
"But the audience was told homophobia is irrelevant in Palestine as “it doesn’t take away from the fact that there is an occupation. We can’t judge a country by its attitudes towards homosexuals,” said Puar.
What ordinary Gazans think
"It’s not Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza that causes economic hardship there, despite what Israel bashers say. It’s corruption, Hamas’s corruption, and ordinary Gazans know it, even if Israel bashers don’t, or even worse if they do and refuse to admit it.”
“A young mother who was interviewed asked “Where are all the dead Jews we were promised?” and blamed Hamas for not killing more Jews than it has, for not providing her with more Jewish corpses than it has. Ordinary Gazans in their multitudes are asking the same question.”
PA donors warn Abbas not to replace Fayyad
Donors aware of Abbas’s repeated attempts to remove Fayyad from power and seize
control of Finance Ministry, diplomat says.
Military doctor saves Palestinian baby brought to West Bank base
Israel’s ‘right’ to hit Iran goes viral
You may need to read this twice – the Guardian Denies that Jerusalem is Israel’s Capital.
Bomb in south Lebanon restaurant injures five
There has been a spate of bombings in majority-Muslim Tyre in the last few months of clubs, shops and restaurants that sell alcohol, whose consumption is forbidden by Islam, and several restaurants have stopped serving alcohol as a result.
Saudi boy, 4, kills father over PlayStation
(the irony is now he’s the head of family and his mothers guardian, game on!)