
Monday, February 06, 2012

The enemy of my enemy is sometimes anything but a friend

From Now Lebanon:
Russia, China and Iran are complicit in a "massacre" being carried out by regime forces in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood charged on Monday.

"We consider Russia, China and Iran as direct accomplices to the horrible massacre being carried out against our people," the group, which is banned in Syria, said in a statement issued from London.

It accused the three countries of supplying weapons and equipment to the embattled regime in Damascus, which is seeking to put down an 11-month revolt.

By doing so, the Brotherhood said, they were "directly participating in the massacre of our defenseless people."
The MB even called for a boycott of Russian and Chinese goods:
A major Islamic Movement called for boycotting the Russian and Chinese goods in protest of their veto of a Security Council resolution on the Syria crisis, a statement issued on Sunday at the movement official website stated.

In Jordan , Muslim Brotherhood’s leader Hammam Saeed accused Russia and China of participating in killing, and crackdown the Syrian people uprising.

“Russia and China decision should not pass without a popular action against their supportive policies with the Syrian regime against civilians” the statement stated.
The Islamists knows that if Syria falls, they are the the ones to fill in the power vacuum, just as they did in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.

And their strategy is to eventually link up into one large Islamist 'ummah that will drive Christians from the Middle East altogether.

Things will get a lot messier in the coming years.