
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tuba-Zangaria resident: "No way a Jew torched this mosque" (updated)

Three months ago, a mosque was burned in the Israeli Arab village of Tuba Zangaria.

Graffiti scrawled on the mosque seemed to indicate that it was done by Jewish settlers in a "price tag" revenge attack against Arabs. Israel's leaders condemned the attack and many came to the village to show solidarity in the face of the Jewish terrorists.

I noted last month that an Israeli blogger, Gal Chen, went to see the situation for herself and unearthed some serious inconsistencies between the official story.

Now, Israel's Channel 2 went back to Tuba Zangaria three months after the supposed "price tag" attack and asks some of the same questions Chen did.

And at least one Tuba Zangaria resident says he is certain that the arsonists came from the village itself:

"No Jew came to burn this mosque"

"The one who burned this mosque is one of us - I am not afraid to say so."
The report goes on to mention what Chen said: that no Jew knows where that mosque even is, that there are three mosques on the way, and that the way that "price tag" was written indicates it was done well after the arson.

UPDATE: A few hours after this report was aired, the house of the resident shown here, Bassan Saweid, was sprayed with automatic gunfire.

(h/t Yoel)