
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hezbollah upset at Arab participation in Herzliya Conference

I noted on Sunday that some Arab media were noticing that someone from Qatar would be speaking at the fairly prestigious annual Herzliya Conference in Israel. Looking at the preliminary agenda, I saw also speakers from Jordan, Egypt and the PLO.

Hezbollah is not happy:

Hezbollah said in a statement it issued that “the information about the intentions of some countries, organizations, and Arab figures to take part in Herzliya conference on “the Zionist national security”, which will be held next month, raise concerns due to the negative indications and the normalization signals that this step holds and that signifies the participants’ commitment to the Zionist entity’s security and their attempts to consolidate it.

“While Hezbollah denounces this dangerous approach by some Arabs, it also warns that this Arab participation in the enemy’s security conference comes as the Zionist settlement in the occupied territories is increasing, and as Al-Quds is being Judaized, and tens of Palestinian MPs are being arrested.

...“Moreover, if this participation was the result of personal certainty, than this is a bigger disaster and an indication to their disengagement from the Palestinian cause, and if this participation was a submission to American pressure, than this is an even bigger disaster, since it reveals the participants’ submission to the American will, even if that was on the accountability of the nation and its central cause, the Palestinian cause and its holy capital Al-Quds,” the Hezbollah concluded.