
Monday, October 10, 2011

Work accident!

From the official Palestinian Arab Wafa news agency:
An Israeli Strike targeting the village of Umm Al-Nasser in the northern Gaza strip Monday killed a Palestinian, Ahmad Al-Azayzeh, from the town of Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza, according to local sources.

Sources said that Al-Azayzeh was killed while he was passing near the separation wall, of about 300 meters distance from the wall, adjacent to the Beit Hanoun crossing in northern Gaza.

And here is why you can never trust a word that Wafa tells you.

From the Washington Post:
The Israeli military said it was not involved. Army officials said they believed explosives detonated as militants tried to plant a bomb.

From Ma'an:
The military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed Ahmad al-Azazmeh, from the northern city of Beit Hanoun, as a fighter in their brigades, and said he was on a "jihad mission."
Yup, he exploded himself as he tried to plant a bomb at the Gaza border.

Give that man a Splodie Award!