
Friday, October 07, 2011


Tablet interviews the Columbia student who was steered away from Joseph Massad's courses

MEMRI shows us an Iranian e-book: "The Holocaust: The Jews' Greatest Lie."

Evelyn Gordon asks "How Often do Palestinians Have to Spell Out Their Goal?"

The New York Times has a fascinating account on how Zionists - and Zionist intelligence - managed to convince a hostile UNSCOP to recommend partition in 1947.

YNet looks at how to obtain atonement for a nasty talkback.

I missed this JPost piece where a German concentration camp inmate had written a Rosh Hashanah machzor (prayer book) on torn paper bags.

And, in a most inappropriate Yom Kippur eve link, the 8 best Jewish moments on South Park. You might want to wait a couple of days before clicking that one....

(h/t Ben, CHA)