Autumn has arrived, and that means it is time for me to ask you for money.
If you believe that this blog is valuable - and I hope you do - please consider a donation or a subscription to help out. Nowhere else can you find such a comprehensive combination of news scoops, original analysis, links to important articles, unique videos, posters and even the occasional cartoon.
At this time, I am ranked #5 of all world politics blogs by Technorati, the only blog in the top five run by one person. I am also ranked #39 among all politics blogs altogether.
In the past quarter I passed the 12,000 post mark. In the last twelve months I have had over 1.5 million page loads and over a million unique visitors. A lot of people are reading this blog and relying on it to get information that is not available anywhere else.
So please consider clicking on the Donate button and paying to help compensate me for the thousands of hours I spend blogging. (It's not exactly like I have NGOs to fund me the way some anti-Israel sites do!)
Also, try to get in the habit of looking at and clicking on any ads in the sidebars that interest you. Some of these ads pay as much as a dollar per click, and it definitely adds up! So every time you read a post that has educated or amused you, please click on an ad or two that have products you may want to find out more about.
As always, thanks for your support! I am continuously surprised that EoZ is as popular as it is, and it is all thanks to you.
UPDATE: Some people do not like using PayPal, so if you prefer, you can send me an Amazon gift card via email. It is much appreciated!