
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Red-lines that would cause the US to walk out of a UNGA speech (Wikileaks)

After Ahmadinejad's embrace of Holocaust revisionism and other anti-semitic statements at the UN, the United States established a list of "red lines" that, when crossed, would prompt a walk-out. They encouraged European nations to respect these criteria as well.

Here are details from a September 2009 Wikileaks memo:

Our redlines for walking out of a speech, which should be conveyed to the host government, are: 

 -- Denying the historical reality of the Holocaust 

 -- Comparing U.S. or Israeli actions to those of Nazi Germany 

-- Using other clearly anti-Semitic rhetoric, including suggestions (similar to those in Ahmadinejad?s 2008 UNGA remarks) that Jews or Zionists control the media and the financial system or have formed a nefarious conspiracy 

 -- Threatening the destruction of Israel or any other UN member state 

 -- Denying Israel?s or another UN member state?s right to exist 

 -- Suggesting that the United States deserved 9/11 

 -- Embracing or justifying the Lockerbie bombing 

 -- If asked: The U.S. will, of course, reserve the right to respond to any other obnoxious or offensive statements.