
Sunday, September 18, 2011

E-Book: Israel’s Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy (updated)

JCPA came out with an e-book entitled Israel’s Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy.

I cannot find a single PDF file with all of the book, but here links to the individual chapters:

Amb. Alan Baker 

The National Rights of Jews
Prof. Ruth Gavison 

“An Overwhelmingly Jewish State” - From the Balfour Declaration to the Palestine Mandate 
Sir Martin Gilbert 

Self-Determination and Israel’s Declaration of Independence
Prof. Shlomo Avineri 

The United Nations and Middle East Refugees: The Differential Treatment of Arabs and Jews 
Dr. Stanley A. Urman 

Israel’s Rights Regarding Territories and the Settlements in the Eyes of the International Community 
Amb. Alan Baker 

The Historical and Legal Contexts of Israel’s Borders
Prof. Nicholas Rostow 

The Misleading Interpretation of Security Council Resolution 242 (1967)
Prof. Ruth Lapidoth 

Defending Israel’s Legal Rights to Jerusalem
Amb. Dore Gold 

Palestinian Unilateralism and Israel’s Rights in Arab-Israeli Diplomacy
Dan Diker 

Is the Gaza Strip Occupied by Israel?
Col. (ret.) Pnina Sharvit-Baruch 

The Violation of Israel’s Right to Sovereign Equality in the United Nations
Amb. Alan Baker 

Countering Challenges to Israel’s Legitimacy
Prof. Alan M. Dershowitz 
UPDATE: Commenter Donkeyrock put them all together in one e-book, and I uploaded it to Scribd so you can read it or download it in one file here: Israel's Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy