
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

"Small but high-quality flotilla" (updated, corrected)

From YNet:
The Gaza-bound Juliano ship left Greece Wednesday afternoon, after suffering huge delays due in part to a ban set by Athens on the departure of flotilla ships from its ports.

On board the ship are 20 activists. Last week flotilla organizers claimed that Israel had sabotaged the ship in an attempt to prevent it from sailing.

"We are at sea," former Israeli Dror Feiler, one of the organizers, told Ynet. "All roads lead to Gaza. It will be a small but high-quality flotilla."

Greta Berlin, a spokeswoman for the Free Gaza movement, told Ynet that the Juliano will rendezvous, in international waters, with a French boat already at sea before heading towards the Strip. She gave no details on the location of the meeting.
Dror Feiler came equipped for the trip - with his saxophone:

I'm 100% certain that Gaza terrorists will like his music better than European audiences.

Because here's what Feiler was up to in 2008:
A German orchestra has dropped a composition from its programme after its members claimed the music was so loud that it gave them ear problems and headaches.

The Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (BR) said it had little choice but to drop the world premiere of Swedish-Israeli composer Dror Feiler's Halat Hisar (State of Siege), from a concert because it was "adverse to the health" of its musicians.

Members of the 100-strong orchestra said they could only contemplate playing the piece wearing headphones, after several suffered buzzing in the ears for hours after rehearsals. The 20-minute composition starts with the rattle of machine-gun fire and gets louder.

"I had to protect the orchestra," its manager, Trygve Nordwall, said. "I can't just say we'll play it anyway, for it to then cause health problems. The piece starts with machine-gun shots ... and that's the quietest part of it."
A music piece that starts with machine gun fire? That's music that Hamas could really love!

Unfortunately, the planned rendezvous with the French boat Dignite - because the Greeks have intercepted that latter boat and are holding it at least overnight.

And in case you were wondering what a "high quality flotilla" looks like, here's a photo of the Juliano:

Did he say "quality" or "comedy"?

(h/t dibbuk)

UPDATE: The Juliano didn't make it out of Greek waters. (h/t CHA). And the second photo was not the Juliano, I misread a photo caption (h/t Raymond)