
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Afternoon links

Sadat assassination plotter remains unrepentant (MSNBC)

Christian Aid's one-sided Palestinian "refugee" report (NGO Monitor)

UN Watch exposes Richard Falk's anti-semitic cartoon; Falk tries to hide the evidence

Does Iran’s Latest Military Exercise Signal a New Defense Doctrine? (JCPA Blog)

The Gaza Flotilla up the river Thames (Richard Millett)

How the Media Fosters the Myth Palestinians Want Peace (Evelyn Gordon, Commentary - a type of post I would make!)

There was a brouhaha last week on the news that the US had put Israel on a terror watch list. The Homeland Security Department now says it was a mistake.

Prospects and Implications of UN Recognition of Palestinian Statehood (Washington Institute)

Canadian on FBI terror list accused of seeking to set bomb in Israel

(h/t Zach N, Silke, CHA)