
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Syrian tanks headed towards Daraa; Syria headed for seat in UNHRC

Via Now Lebanon,  here is a video taken this morning that says it shows tanks being transported towards Daraa, Syria, the center of the anti-government protests.

Other interesting updates:

A tweet from CNN's Hala Gourani: Eyewitness in #Daraa tells CNN some 35 tanks in and now around city. Says people forced to stay home bc of snipers on rooftops.

Twitter user @wissamtarif tweets that many water tanks in Daraa were emptied after being shot, adding that more people—Including a 6-year old child—were killed overnight in the city.

Most towns and cities in the Houran province (which includes Daraa) have run out of wheat.

A senior US State Department official on Tuesday said that Washington will limit its response to the violent crackdown on civilian protests in Syria to diplomacy and possible sanctions, AFP reported.

The brutal crackdown by Syrian President Bashar Assad may finally be getting the attention of world leaders -- but apparently not enough to stop Syria from becoming the newest member of the U.N. Human Rights Council.
The UN needs a laugh track to accompany everything it does.