
Monday, April 04, 2011

Iran loves all these Arab revolutions - except Syria's

During the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings, Iran has been on the front row, cheering these potential Islamic uprisings against Arab dictators.

But that support only goes so far, as the unrest has now morphed into a Zionist plot:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the West on Monday of fomenting unrest in Syria and across the Arab Middle East to secure Israel's position, state television reported.

Ahmadinejad accused his arch foe the United States and other Western nations of hatching a plot, singling out Tehran's ally Syria which is being rocked by anti-government protests.

"They want to save the Zionist regime (Israel) by interfering in the region aimed at creating discord among the regional nations and governments," he told a news conference.

"America and the Zionist regime want to weaken Syria's resistance by creating discord between the Syrian government and the Syrian nation," said Ahmadinejad
Consistency? Who needs consistency?