
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Abbas again brags about his intransigence

From Ma'an:
President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday told his party's young members that the Palestinian Authority never abandoned the national agenda.

“The Palestinian leadership is still adherent to the national agenda which was approved by the Palestinian National Council in 1988, and never gave up on any of the inalienable principles as some claim."

Meeting with Fatah Youth in his Ramallah office, the president said negotiations with Israel were suspended because of the PA's firm stance.
Meaning that the PLO has not changed it's position one bit since Arafat's heyday, just as Abbas has said in the past.

If the Palestinian Arab leadership brags about how they have not deviated from the position devised by a master terrorist - who continued to use terror long after 1988 - what exactly makes them "moderate" again?