
Sunday, January 02, 2011

Just a little anti-semitism on Palestinian Arab TV

From Palestinian Media Watch:

Jordanian academic Arafat Hijazi:
“150 years ago, when there were no Jews in Palestine, the Jews were in Europe, in Eastern Europe, but the Jews suffered from persecution by the European nations.
The reason was that they would harm the people of the lands in which they lived.
They had a problem: Wherever they went, they were expelled, and were imprisoned.”

Jordanian academic Muhammad Dohal:
“The Jews are hated in every society in which they have lived, because of their behavior relating to their great love of money.
Their behavior led to [Shakespeare's] famous story, the story of Shylock about money lending, which clings to the Jews. This is how they harmed the societies that embraced them.”

(The interview was in October but I just saw the tweet from PMW.)