
Saturday, November 20, 2010

A tool of the trade

Palestine Today has another article warning that Israel will kick thousands of Jerusalem Arabs out of their homes. Nothing new there.

But the picture illustrating it is sort of nice. The sort of picture that one can put on a poster to bring to an anti-Israel rally, just to tick the protesters off.

A little research shows that it was taken by AP last December.

Now, how can I know that?

One of the items in my toolbox is this website. It can read the EXIF information from photos, which can reveal lots of interesting information. In this case, it seems that AP puts its captions into the photo itself. I Google the caption and find somewhere that the original photo can be found (and, incidentally, prove that Palestine Today rips off AP without giving it attribution.)

Usually, the viewer is good for finding the original date of a photo. Often the Arabic papers I read will illustrate a story with an older photo and make it appear that it refers to the actual even (like an explosion.) In this case AP modified the photo caption so the date says October, not last December, but the caption says the original date.