English translation:
Did you know?
- The Judea-Samaria mountain range constitutes 23% of Israel's area.
- The Judea-Samaria mountain range is 55 km. wide; sovereign Israel between the Green Line and the Mediterranean Sea is only 15 km. wide.
- The distance from Kefar Sava to the Green LIne is all of 2 km.
- The Judea-Samaria mountain range looms to a height of 1000 meters over Tel Aviv.
- Whoever controls Judea-Samaria can hit most of Israel's cities directly and indirectly.
- Judea-Samaria abuts Jerusalem from three directions: north, east, and south.
- Jerusalem will become an Israeli enclave within a Palestinian state, connected to the rest of the country via a narrow Palestinian-controlled corridor.
Judea-Samaria -- a mountainful of security!
(h/t My Israel via Shiloh Musings, translation by Naftali Greenwood)