
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Completely off topic overnight trivia question (Updated with answer)

I was driving on a short errand, listening to the radio, and I started to wonder how many Beatles songs have the lyrics "yeah yeah yeah" within.

I came up with 5 during the trip and didn't think much more about it.

So - can anyone beat that number?

UPDATE: Readers could only name three. Here is my list:

* She Loves You (obviously)
* It Won't be Long (six "yeahs" on a row in the chorus)
* All You Need Is Love (at the very end, they sing part of "She Loves You")
* While My Guitar Gently Weeps (very end of song has many "yeahs")
* Polythene Pam

UPDATE 2: Niece of Ziyon added one I didn't think of: * The Long and Winding Road (very end)

UPDATE 3, three years later: I had missed "Hey Jude" and "Helter Skelter." (h/t Westisthbest, Y. Goodman)