
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PA versus Hamas at An Najah University

From PCHR:
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the continued arbitrary arrests and illegal detentions of members of Hamas by Palestinian security services in the West Bank, as these arrests and detentions are in violation of law. The latest arrest campaign was carried out by the Preventive Security Service (PSS) in Nablus against six academics working at an-Najah National University, one member of a municipal council of Nablus, two engineers and one university student. In addition, the PSS summonsed and questioned nine women in Nablus, confiscating their IDs.

According to the testimony given to PCHR by Mona Mansour a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council from the Change and Reform Bloc, late on the night of Monday, 02 August 2010, the PSS carried out an arrest campaign against six academics working at an-Najah National University, one member of a municipal council, two engineers, one university student and another two persons. Additionally, the PSS confiscated three cars and summonsed and confiscated the IDs of nine women, requiring them to appear to the PSS headquarters in order to force them to resign from Al-Tadamon Charitable Society.
These were Hamas members.

Today, the lecturers were released, and a hundred other political prisoners (again from Hamas) will be released for Ramadan by the PA.

Both Hamas and the PA regularly arrest and intimidate members of the other group.