
Monday, October 05, 2009

Daily Goldstone 10/5

CAMERA finds many problems with the Goldstone Report.

REPORT: There is no evidence of Palestinian fighters using civilian clothes.
FACT: Journalists and eyewitnesses repeatedly noted the use of civilian clothes by Hamas fighters.
REPORT: There is no evidence of armed groups directing civilians to areas where attacks were being launched or forcing them to remain in the vicinity of attacks.
FACT: Palestinian witnesses and video evidence reveal that fighters did direct civilians to areas where attacks were being launched.
REPORT: There is no evidence that hospitals or ambulances were used for military activities.
FACT: Eyewitnesses describe Palestinian firing from hospitals and use of ambulances.
REPORT: The mission could not determine whether mosques were used for military purposes.
FACT: There is video evidence of weaponry stored in a mosque, and of secondary explosions of mosques consistent with the storage of explosives.
REPORT: The amount of aid allowed into Gaza by Israel decreased after the end of the fighting.
FACT: If not false, the assertion is at best disingenuous. The average weekly number of humanitarian shipments increased in the months after the war ended.

The Zeitoun area is pacifist and had no militant groups or rocket fire.


This witness is credible and reliable, and there is no reason to doubt his testimony.


There are many documented cases of Palestinian militants being killed in armed clashes in the neighborhood.

TESTIMONY: The al Fakhoura area was not used to fire at Israel, and no combatants were killed in the Fakhoura incident.
REPORT: The Report was based in part on three interviews with the Hamas official who made the above claim, and did not cast doubt on his testimony.
FACT: Palestinian eyewitnesses and Israel note that the area was used to fire at Israel, and that combatants were killed in the Israeli strike.

Lots more, check it out.