
Sunday, September 27, 2009

PalArabs use peaceful stones against violent meditators

Ha'aretz reports:
Four people were wounded in clashes between police and Palestinian protesters early Sunday at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said some 150 Palestinians threw stones at a group of Jews visiting the site. Police dispersed the rioters using stun grenades, and two policemen were lightly wounded.
In other words, Palestinian Arabs decided to turn their "third holiest site" into a place for rioting and attacking peaceful Jews.

But look how the Arab media reports it:
At least 13 Palestinians were injured as fierce clahes broke out at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem on Sunday morning after Israeli police permitted settlers to break into the area, witnesses said.

Two of the injured Palestinians reportedly sustained serious injuries to the eye and head. Israeli police said two officers were also hurt.

On Thursday, the Al-Aqsa Foundation had warned of an impending incursion. Officials in Jerusalem said extremists were preparing to break into the holy Muslim area, and accurately predicted that the break-in would occur on Sunday under the pretext of celebrating a religious holiday.

Confrontations erupted after groups of Israelis broke into the compound, reportedly under the guard of Israeli police. Palestinians hurled stones, chairs, and shoes at the Israelis, while police tried to disperse the Palestinians by force, injuring nine people right away, and four more throughout the morning.
They have an interesting definition of "breaking in." Yet even the Arabs cannot find anything that the so-called "settlers" did to upset the sanctity of the holy site - besides the obvious crime of being Jewish.

Even the Arab press admits that the only people who started the rioting were Muslims and that there was no provocation, as Jews have been quietly and respectfully visiting the Temple Mount for years. (And the only reason the police needed to accompany them is because of Thursday's threats made by the peaceful Muslims against Jews visiting the area.)