
Monday, September 07, 2009

PalArab media roundup 9/7/09

Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman reportedly told Hamas leader Khaled Meshal that Hamas must release Gilad Shalit if it expects the Gaza siege to be lifted.

The Palestinian Bureau of Central Statistics released data showing tht the levels of illiteracy among Palestinian Arabs is far lower than for the Arab world at large, 5.9% vs. 28.9%. Within the territories, Jericho has the highest illiteracy rate (8.3%) and Gaza has the lowest (4.4%).

There has been a recent mini-uproar over allegations that the UAE has been expelling hundreds of Palestinian Arab workers. The UAE and the PA representative there deny any such policy but Farouk Kaddoumi is trying to gain political points by complaining about it.

Palestine Today has an adoring interview with Islamic Jihad members in the West Bank who are in hiding to avoid arrest by Israel and the PA, and mentions their steadfastness in being away from their families during Ramadan.

Now that Gaza children are safe from the evils of Holocaust education, a "human rights" activist is trying to ensure that they learn about PalArab prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Jordanian agriculture minister, admitting that he doesn't have the legal authority to stop Israeli imports of fruits and vegetables, is mandating that all such products be labeled "Made in Israel" so that consumers would have a choice of whether to boycott them or not. The ministry would heavily penalize any importer who tries to hide that goods came from Israel.

Palestine News Network reports that Islamic Jihad is not happy with Hamas' Islamization of Gaza, believing that it is premature to start imposing such rules on the citizens. But it doesn['t want to criticize Hamas publicly for fear that the perception of infighting will look bad.

During Ramadan, there has been a huge demand for watercress in the PalArab territories. Apparently, there have been rumors that watercress improves sexual performance in both men and women and everyone has been buying them up for their evening iftar meals, leading to shortages.