
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Iranian religious police get turned on by mannequins

Maktoob reports:

Iran police have banned the display of women's underwear in shop windows across the Islamic republic, Tehran dailies said on Wednesday.

There have been reports of the use of inappropriate and shocking mannequins in shop windows in a bid to draw in customers, which has been the source of public dissatisfaction," the Arman newspaper quoted a police statement as saying.

The statement said it was an offence to "display women's underwear in shop windows".

The police also took issue with displays of "Western brands of clothing, immoral photographs or ties and bow-ties, and the use of manneqins with a revealing body shape or with the head and face on show without a headscarf".

The statement also barred male shop assistants from selling women's lingerie.

One can imagine the kinds of art in Iranian museums (from Iran Politics Club)