
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

And in other Palestinian Arab news....

Hamas stopped elderly patients, women and children from getting medical treatment in Israel over the weekend, fearing that they are really Fatah members going to the conference in Bethlehem. 55 patients and their families clashed with Hamas forces near the Erez crossing. The PA Ministry of Health says that some 13 patients have died from Hamas restrictions on going to Israel. The ministry also says that since Hamas dismissed PA doctors and replaced them with their own, inferior doctors, more patients have needed to go to Israel for their care, costing the PA tens of millions of dollars.

As Gilad Shalit suffers in an undisclosed location, 100 Palestinian Arab prisoners completed their college degrees this year. They also enjoy hot water, radios, Arab TV and portable music players.

Egypt intercepted a shipment of 70 tons of cement meant for Gaza. It is probably a very small percentage, though, because Northern Sinai is now suffering from a shortage of cement as suppliers are selling it all at much higher prices to Gaza smugglers.

Hamas abducted 20 more Fatah members as the Fatah conference began in Bethlehem.

A Gaza ombudsman (who knew?) reveals the incredible fact that Hamas actually tortures prisoners!