
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Iran shows Hamas who's boss

Ma'an reports:
Senior Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al dismissed his deputy, Mousa Abu Marzouq and another leader because of their reported opposition to the dictates of Syria and Iran, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper “Politics.”

Quoting anonymous sources, the newspaper reported that Mash’al had Abu Marzouq and Imad Al-Alami replaced during Hamas’ internal elections over two weeks ago, specifically because they opposed Tehran and Damascus over the issue of reconciliation with Fatah.

“The elections have many changes but still many details are hidden by Hamas … the removal of Abu Marzouk and Al-Alami were the result of pressure from Syria and Iran on Mash’al,” the newspaper’s source said.

The report also states that Mash’al had the two leaders dismissed in exchange for a promise of continued support from Iran.
Kuwaiti sources aren't always the most accurate, but if this is true it shows (once again) that Hamas is simply a client of Iran and not a representative of Palestinian Arabs, who overwhelmingly want to see a Hamas/Fatah reconciliation.

The natural consequence is that all the moonbats who pretend to love Palestinian Arabs and who support Hamas are really, effectively, lackeys of Iran in its fight against the more moderate Arabs in the region.