
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Links from my mailbox

I really appreciate when you send me links to comment on. I don't always have time to write a full post, but here are some recent links sent to me that you should check out.

Tom Gross: (Former?) CNN reporter goes on anti-Israel tirade during a press conference. (Many more details here.) Plus, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness is a former BBC reporter and a pal of notoriously anti-Israel Jeremy Bowen. (h/t Brad Brzezinski)

An on-line anti-Hamas petition. I'm skeptical about the effectiveness of these things, but worth checking out. (h/t Renaud)

Seven Jewish Children: a modern passion play (h/t Ami Isseroff )

Jihadis question Al Qaeda links to Israel (h/t Bubbe)

Video: Vilified: Telling Lies about Israel (h/t sshender)