
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Israeli and Palestinian Arab women in the news

Commenter jhrhv writes:
Esti Ginzburg, 18, is a native of Tel Aviv, Israel this years SI swimsuit cover girl.
Since this would be a major news story that I am duty-bound to cover, I checked it out thoroughly, and, unfortunately, he is wrong.

Ginzburg, pictured here with what must be her Shabbos candles, is indeed featured in the annual SI issue that has been banned in yeshivas and madrassas alike, but she is not the cover model.

That honor goes to Bar Refaeli, who is also of course an Israeli. As the New York Post puts it, she gives new meaning to Mideast "piece."

Their puns don't end there, as they also headline their article "Land of Milk & What a Honey!" along with titling a picture of her "Tasty Kosher."

This does not mean that Palestinian Arab women are not newsworthy as well. Nadya Suleman, the celebrated unmarried mother of octuplets, is of Palestinian Arab descent.