
Sunday, September 07, 2008

How the PalArab press reports a anti-semitic attack

From the Jerusalem Post:
Three Jewish counselors from the Bnei Akiva youth movement were attacked not far from the organization's central branch in Paris on Saturday afternoon. The boys, aged between 17 and 18, had just finished the Sabbath minha prayer when they were attacked by a group of Muslims.

According to a press statement released by World Bnei Akiva spokesman Tzvika Klein, the youths were initially approached by a group of three Muslims and African immigrants who began to hurl chestnuts in their direction. When one of the counselors complained, the assailants began yelling out anti-Semitic remarks. Between 10 to a dozen other attackers wearing knuckle dusters joined the original three and began beating up the Jewish group until police arrived at the scene.

...The victims' families filed a complaint with local police that had responded by opening an investigation into the incident, which has already been recognized as an anti-Semitic attack by local authorities.
Now, let's see how Palestine Press Agency reported it:
A group of young Moroccans attacked three young Israelis serving as guides for a Jewish youth movement in Paris Sunday evening, causing minor to moderate injuries.
You see, since Islam is a religion of peace and has nothing against Jews, it is of course impossible for Muslim youths to have attacked Jews. So the victims must have been Israeli, thereby turning it from a hate crime into a simple political disagreement which is perfectly OK.

Because everyone knows that "Zionists" are fair game to be the recipients of "resistance," worldwide.