
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today's PalArab press roundup

A 24-year old woman was murdered by her brother in an "honor killing" yesterday in Khan Younis.

To mark the start of Ramadan, Egypt allowed nearly 2000 Gazans to go to Egypt and some 900 Gazans to cross back. But none of these were sick people - they will be crossing today. Who knows how many of these 2000 are Hamas terrorists going out to get training in Iran, as happened last year?

While Fatah's leadership in Ramallah does not support the union strikes happening in Gaza against Hamas, Fatah's political leadership in Gaza does.

On the other hand, Hamas accuses Fatah in Ramallah of being behind these strikes, saying that they are meant to set the stage for Abbas to declare Gaza as "rebel territory" and therefore paving the way for him to cede Gaza and negotiate the West Bank alone as "Palestine". It is not too far fetched to imagine a Palestine and a Hamastan as full members of the UN, all the while trying to create a third (or fourth, depending on how you count) Palestinian Arab state via "right of return."

Firas Press, one of my best sources for news, changed their format, apparently without testing it. Now the site looks great but is horribly broken with old stories and bad links littering the site so as to make it unusable.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 156.