
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Da Elda iz in da house

A couple of years ago I bought a baseball cap in a drugstore while on an outing with Junior Elder; I just picked something at random that looked fairly vanilla. I never wore it since.

Being that today is a warm, sunny day in the Ziyonist headquarters, I needed a cap to wear on my commute so I grabbed this same one.

At work, one of my co-workers noticed it and told me, "Makaveli - I think that this has something to do with Tupac Shakur."

Sho 'nuff, a quick Google showed that I spent the morning goin' gangsta.

Makaveli Branded is a clothing line created by the late Mr. Shakur's mother in his memory.

Holla at ya later, homeys, as I try to find more appropriate headgear for my evening commute.