
Thursday, April 10, 2008

A quick trip through the looking glass

I used to harp a bit on The People's Voice, an absurd publication that Google indexes as a "news" source. It got boring and while Google might take down links to a post or two it would end up giving in to the loony lefties that support the site.

Today's entry is so over the top, both in terms of its content and its amateurish style, that I had to share a bit of it. Here's the link for cutting and pasting - I don't want to give them any hits directly from here:
(His use of language, capitalization and punctuation, not to mention content, indicates someone with an intellectual and emotional age of about 13.)
The Rise of the Jewish Empire: The Jewish Conquest of America
Bob Finch

There is no such thing as an american empire. America does not have an empire. On the contrary, america has become part of the jewish empire which dictates america’s domestic and foreign policies. The policies that america is pursuing in the middle east have nothing to do with america’s national interests – on the contrary, over the last four decades it has been forced to fight the wars on behalf of its jewish master.

America may have lost the war against vietnam but it has never been invaded or conquered by external forces since its declaration of independence. But since the second world war and, in particular the establishment of the terrorist state refered to as Israel, it has been conquered from within. Wasps no longer have any significant control over american politics or its foreign policies.

The israelis in america control the republican party and the democratic party and even the green party. They control the left wing of american politics (noam chomsky, stephen zunes) almost as much as they control the extreme right wing. They control congress. Jack abramoff apparently had in the region of 60 members of congress on his payroll. And these were not insignificant members of congress either since he funded tom delay who provided dick cheney’s power base. This israeli was not only funding american goys but terrorists in the jews-only state. And this is the political influence of just one jewish billionaire. When aipac and all the other jewish lobbying groups in america, whose prime loyalties are to the jews-only state in palestine, are taken into consideration, the jews are financing virtually all members of congress. These days when american politicians talk about the need to defend their country from external threats what they mean is any challenge to the jews-only state in palestine.

Israelis own and control the american media. They compose the largest group of billionaires in america who fund a vast network of political research organizations which determine the views of america’s jewish owned media and america’s jewish funded politicians.

The israelis have even transformed christianity in america. There are now tens of millions of so-called christian zionists who have come to believe in the zionist god of vengeance rather than the christian god of forgiveness. They no longer live on a god given planet but focus solely on the god given land of palestine.

There is not the slightest doubt that the american military is by far and away the most formidable military power in the world. But who controls that military is an entirely different matter. The american politicians who dictate military policy are not wasps but israelis - agents of the jews-only state in palestine. So, in effect the jews-only state controls american politicians who control the american military which wages war for the sake of jewish world domination.

There is no such thing as an american empire. America does not have an empire. On the contrary, america has become part of the jewish empire which dictates america’s domestic and foreign policies.

There may be those who argue that just because america implements the foreign policies of another state doesn’t mean to say that there isn’t an american empire which pursues american interests around the rest of the world. But this is not the case. America’s zionist foreign policy has drained american military resources so they cannot be used in other places around the world. The jews in american politics and their shabbat goy colleagues have become so focused on the middle east to protect the sacred judaic headquarters of the jewish empire that they have ignored, or been unable to combat, the rise of democratic forces in south america from where america imports a substantial amount of its oil.

Israeli traitors control the american media, the republican and democratic parties, congress, the pentagon, the office of homeland security, the cia, the defence intelligence agency, the state department, the national security council, and the presidency. The american military is implementing the foreign policies of the jews-only state in palestine. There is nothing american left about america.
And there are many people who read this inane tripe and say, "Yeah!"

Speaking of those sort of people, I stumbled the other day on a site that says, among other things, that the Entebbe rescue operation was a hoax. Sure enough, other sites sprinkled throughout the web mindlessly copied this "evidence."