
Monday, September 03, 2007

Hamas stops Gaza farmers from exporting potatoes

According to the anti-Hamas Palestine Press Agency, Hamas prevented 7 trucks containing 25 tons of potatoes from leaving Gaza. The reason is that the produce was to leave through the Kerem Shalom crossing which is controlled by Israel:
The illegal Hamas militia prevented seven Palestinian trucks loaded with 25 tons of potatoes to export to the outside of the Gaza Strip through the crossing Karam Abu Salem southern sector.

Well-informed sources in Gaza [said] the quantity of potatoes are surplus in the domestic market, explaining that the Palestinian Authority obtained approval to export the Israeli side this quantity of potatoes across the crossing Karam Abu Salem, but the Hamas militia prevented the entry of trucks loaded to crossing Karam Abu Salem for purely political reasons grounds that the government of Hamas, the article dealing with this crossing.

The sources said that "all goods entering the Gaza Strip to pass through crossing Karam Abu Salem, and this is a clear contradiction in the allegations Hamas prevent export and acceptance at the same time the entry of goods through the crossing!" .

The sources confirmed that farmers ground berries, tomatoes and flowers affected by the decision to prevent Hamas response through Abu Salem, asked "of the embargo imposed on the Palestinian people Is the government of President Mahmoud Abbas legitimate traders to facilitate the export of goods and the entry to Gaza, or Hamas, which prevented traders export pretext of Israeli control over the crossing! . "
Last week the UN said that a shipment of export potatoes did cross Kerem Shalom.

In the past, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have attacked Kerem Shalom with mortars in order to close it.

The UN recently released a report on the state of the Palestinian Arab economy. It blamed Israel for closing Gaza crossings and did not mention the word "Hamas" once.