
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Why is there sewage in Gaza streets? Because PalArabs build rockets with sewer pipes.

From The Christian Science Monitor lastweek(via Reliefweb):
The dispute over Gaza's crossings underscores the tradeoff between Israeli security needs and the Palestinian need for the passage of people and commercial goods. In an affidavit submitted to the court, the Palestinian water utility said Gaza's main north-south highway has been flooded by sewage because Israeli authorities haven't let through the needed pipes. An Israeli army official, said that the pipe infrastructure has been dug up by militants and used in Kassam rockets to fire into Israel.
Which story sounds more truthful?

From JPost:
A Palestinian from the Gaza Strip, who worked as a metal merchant at the Karni Crossing, was arrested by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) earlier this month for allegedly selling pipes, which he would buy in Israel, to terror groups who used them to manufacture Kassam rockets, it was released for publication on Sunday.

On February 9, the Shin Bet arrested Amar Zak, 37, at the Erez Crossing. During his interrogation, Zak confessed to purchasing metal pipes from Israeli companies and then selling them to Hamas and other terror groups for the manufacture of Kassam rockets, fired almost daily at Israel. In 2006, 1,700 rockets were fired at Israel.

The pipes that were sold to Zak were intended for civilian use, and specifically for the construction of a sewage system in the Gaza Strip.

The Shin Bet arrested Zak after it received numerous reports in 2006 according to which hollow pipes made in Israel were being used in Gaza to manufacture Kassam rockets as well as shoulder-launched missiles.

During its investigation, the Shin Bet revealed that most of the raw materials used to manufacture Kassams originated in Israel. The Israeli companies, the security service said, were used by the Palestinian terror groups without their knowledge.
Here is example number 1634 of how Palestinian Arabs hurt their own people in order to kill Jews - and then they blame the Jews for their suffering. And "humanitarian aid" organizations like ReliefWeb will readily agree with the Palestinian Arab narrative.

At what point will the world community tell the coddled, babied Palestinian Arabs that it is time for them to finally take responsibility for their own actions? At what point will the world realize that much of their money meant to help the PalArabs is being directly used to try to destroy Israel instead?