
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A month of a unilateral "cease fire"

As the calendar on my sidebar is showing, we now have had nine consecutive days of Qassam rockets being shot at Israel, making it 24 out of 32 days since the illusory "cease-fire" was announced that rockets have been launched (click on any day's link for more details; some of the days link to earlier articles in the day and more Qassams were fired later that I didn't capture):

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 2829 30

So far today (12/26)there have been five rockets.

Olmert, trying hard to prove that he can decend to new levels of idiocy every day, took strong action:
The Olmert administration is depending on diplomatic retaliation at this point and instructed United Nations Ambassador Dan Gillerman to register a strong complaint with the U.N.
And how was this strong complaint worded?
"The continuous rocket attacks and grave violation of Israel's sovereignty constitutes a grim threat to peace and security in the region... which may bring to a deterioration of the situation," Gillerman continued in the letter.

Gillerman asked that the Security Council immediately condemn the attacks and warn those parties on the Palestinian side who are "provoking the situation" that they may bring to a renewed eruption of hostilities.
Evidently, in the bizarre language of UN diplomacy, dozens of Qassams don't destroy peace, but are only a "grim threat." They aren't "hostilities", but they may bring a "renewed eruption."

But surely there are fewer rockets being fired now than before the cease-fire? Certainly things are calmer, right?
Information collected by the defense establishment indicates that only during the months of June, July, and November more rockets were fired than in this month of calm. In contrast, during the months of February, April, August, and September, the months where there was no calm, there were less Qassam attacks than during the ceasefire.
So there is literally no relationship between Israel acting with restraint and the number of Palestinian Arab rocket attacks.

Yet Olmert, against the advice of the IDF, is gambling with his citizen's lives and betting that the world will put some sort of "pressure"on a reichlet that he himself is now funding and arming!