
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A perfect day to play hooky

About 15 years ago, one day at work I had a lot of frustrations with my work and my boss, and an idea hit me - just get into my car and drive east until I hit the ocean.

On the way I stopped off to buy a beach chair, sunglasses, a trashy novel and some shorts, and within two hours I was situated in a pretty empty beach with nothing but sun and sand. I still treasure that day - a true mental health day.

As I came to work today, I realized that today was a perfect day to do the same thing. But I can't - between all the yomim tovim and covering for someone at work who is on maternity leave, I cannot take advantage of the last 80-degree day this year.

So I am asking my loyal readership:

Please take today off , especially if you are in the Northeastern US. Go to the beach, spend the entire day doing nothing, and let me know about it.

Have a great day.