
Thursday, July 27, 2006

We're reaching our goal

Thanks to all who helped contribute to the Elder Tzedakah Challenge. If you didn't do it yet, all you have to do is click on one of the charities listed on the sidebar, or one of the others listed in this posting, give money, let me know about it by sending me a receipt (after you remove your personal information) to elderchallenge -at- and I will match that amount to the same charity.

Boruch Hashem we have raised over $800 since last Friday and I want to get to at least $1000 by tomorrow. Every little bit helps so give today to the charity of your choice!

Also, a big yasher koach to the bloggers that have contributed so far:
Garbanzo Tunes
Bat Flattery
Boker tov, Boulder!

(apologies if I missed someone - let me know)