
Monday, June 26, 2006

Some joo humor

I've been unbelievably busy so instead of an original post, I might as well recycle some old material I just dredged up from around the web:

How to Spot a Joo

The Joo is such a danger, yet the average White Patriot
is not trained to spot them. The following guide will help:

You can tell a Joo because of their low intellectual level evidenced
by their complete animal like stupidity combined with their secret
plans which through careful organization over the last thousand years
have almost given them ultimate domination by control of the media,
educational, political, medical, and financial organizations of the world.

They have a total lack of even simple morals evidenced by their
evil documents such as the Ten Commandments.

Their low character and complete inability to devise even simple
original thought has forced them to make up for this by such
primitive actions such as the invention of the atomic bomb, cure
for polio, devlopment of physics theory, etc.

Their filthy ways, esp in food preparation are always a give away.

They were able to trick and then force the hapless innocent Romans
into killing Christ. How much more about love and forgiveness could
he have tought us if those animals had not killed him?

These people must be feared. Only through the White Christian
traits of generous love and faith can we send these animals to
the painful end they and their kind so richly deserve.
(Andrew Carol)

Local Jew Feels Left Out Of Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy

April 30, 1997 | Issue 31•16

SOUTHFIELD, MI—It is an hour past sunset on a brisk Thursday night, and, like their brethren around the globe, the Jews of this affluent Detroit suburb are gathered in synagogues, busily hatching plots for world domination through financial chicanery and media influence. But for Seth Nussbaum, it will be just another lonely evening.

Local Jew Feels Left Out Of Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy


"For some reason, they've decided to leave me out of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy," said Nussbaum, a 34-year-old computer programmer. "And I can't say it doesn't hurt."

While his fellow Jews are controlling the flow of billions of dollars of international currency and brokering multi million-dollar entertainment deals, on this quiet night Nussbaum is making himself a frozen pizza and watching ER, far removed from any money beyond the $28,000 annual salary he receives from his job at Cyntech Industries.

"Who's to say I wouldn't enjoy hoarding a little gold every now and then?" he said, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Believe me, I'd love to be able to sneak around behind the scenes like the Elders of Zion, pulling the strings and holding the real power in society. But I guess when it comes to working the Jerusalem-New York-L.A. triangle, I just wasn't one of the chosen people."

Unlike millions of other Jews around the world, Nussbaum holds no sway over the media, has no powerful friends within the Wall Street banking community or the Trilateral Commission, and has never run a major Hollywood studio.

Enlarge ImageLocal Jew Feels Left Out Of Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy jump

Though its influence stretches to all corners of the globe, the worldwide Jewish conspiracy has, for mysterious reasons, neglected to include Southfield, MI, computer programmer Seth Nussbaum.

In fact, Nussbaum doesn't even own so much as his own production company. "Spielberg, Geffen, Ovitz, Eisner, Katzenberg—those are the Jews who control Hollywood," Nussbaum said. "And there's countless other Jews calling the shots at every level of the entertainment industry, from agents to producers to directors. But me? I probably couldn't even get the studio backing for a $15 to $20 million romantic comedy with a mid-level star like Matthew Broderick."

And despite being a regular subscriber to The New York Times for seven years, Nussbaum has no powerful connections among the Jews who own that and every other newspaper in the United States.

"As a left-leaning Jew, I should enjoy vast influence over the press. I should be able use the papers and television stations I own to forward my biased, liberal Jewish agenda and get Israel-supporting Democratic candidates elected to Congress," said Nussbaum, sitting on the old futon he uses as a couch. "But somehow, that's just not the case."

Spurned by his own kind, Nussbaum has not even been able to gain admittance into a secondary world-domination conspiracy like the Masons. "They turned down my application," he said, sighing deeply, "when they found out I was Jewish. I guess for now I'll just have to resign myself to being Seth Nussbaum, computer programmer and powerless Jew."