
Monday, May 22, 2006

Today's delusions by Jew-haters

  • Uruknet seems to blame Israel for the Darfur genocide in "Zionist rain [sic] of death on Sudan"
  • Iran accuses Israel of holding Iranian kidnapped diplomats at
  • AxisGlobe says that Israel's Declaration of Independence was written by a Communist spy
  • A Los Angeles Times op-ed ignores Israel's consistent giving away of land since 1977 as it claims that Israel keeps on taking "Palestinian" land. (OK, he doesn't ignore it - author Sandy Tolan threw in a 14-word parenthetical comment in an 1187 word article: [In the early 1980s, Israel withdrew from the Sinai, and last year from Gaza.] )
  • Australia's Green Left Weekly happily reports on a Nakba rally where 50 people attended.