
Friday, September 09, 2005

Palestinians now disputing Gaza borders

Guess what? The "moderate" PA claims that Gaza is much bigger than the area that Israel is withdrawing from, despite the fact that the borders have been quite well documented since 1950.

The Palestinian culture is so heavily invested in victimhood that they honestly have no clue how to act any other way - even when they have a golden opportunity to show that they can act like adults, they regress into a temper tantrum. They are allergic to responsibility. It is much easier to be a spoiled toddler and endlessly demand more and more rather than grow up and actually do something that deserves reward.

Unfortunately, the world keeps rewarding the babies and punishing the adults.
The Nativ Ha'asarah Intifada
By Aluf Benn
The Palestinian Authority has not yet taken control of the territories being evacuated by Israel in the Gaza Strip, and it is already asking for more.

Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has adopted the argument that Israel is continuing to occupy Palestinian lands in the northern and eastern Gaza Strip. When PA Civil Affairs Minister Mohammed Dahlan first made this claim to Vice Premier Shimon Peres a few weeks ago, the Israelis were surprised, but tried to ignore it. When Abu Mazen speaks about it, the demand becomes the official Palestinian position.

The territorial claim is not just a public relations exercise. It has consequences: The Palestinians are refusing to discuss upgrading the Erez crossing on the grounds that it is located in occupied territory. Tomorrow, someone will shell Moshav Nativ Ha'asarah, which lies within the disputed area, and claim the action is part of a just war of liberation - "the Nativ Ha'asarah Intifada."

These are the facts as determined by Shaul Arieli, who helped draw up the maps for the Geneva Accord: The 1949 cease-fire line, according to the Rhodes agreement between Egypt and Israel, was different from the current border of the Gaza Strip. However, a territorial exchange agreement was signed a year after Rhodes. Israel received the area in the northern Gaza Strip, where Erez and Nativ Ha'asarah are located today, in exchange for a larger parcel in the eastern Strip (which on maps looks like a hump). This altered border remained in effect until 1967, and United Nations soldiers were deployed along it. It appeared in the maps that were part of the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, without any complaints from the Palestinians. It also appeared on the official Palestinian maps used in the Geneva Accord talks.

Now Abbas wants to return to the original 1949 boundary. He has ignored the fact that all of the peace agreements and UN decisions were based on the status that existed on the ground before the 1967 War and not on the Rhodes agreement. For him, the point is that he can show that the Israeli occupation in Gaza is not ending with the completion of the disengagement.

Hat tip to SoccerDad.