
Monday, June 27, 2005

Today's "peaceful" news

Teen victims of West Bank shooting attack laid to rest in Jerusalem
Hamas gathers several thousand Gaza fighters and arsenal of Kassams

Terror tunnel uncovered in Gaza - The 20-meter tunnel, which appeared to be freshly dug, had meant to bypass a checkpoint to allow Palestinian terrorists to infiltrate Israeli territory, Israeli military sources said.

The Saudi newspaper Al-Watan reported over the weekend that PA Civil Affairs Minister Muhammad Dahlan, who is in charge of coordinating the withdrawal with Israel, has invited Hamas leaders to move to Gaza.
"We want to see you among us," Dahlan reportedly told Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and his top aides.
Nayef Hawatmeh and Khaled Abdel Majid, the leaders of two other Syrian-based groups, are also planning to move to the Gaza Strip, the sources revealed.

Nice to see such dividends from "disengagement" and the "cease fire."