The cartoonist, Cathy Wilcox, is the president of the Australian Cartoonists' Association and has won several awards.
The sentiments here are mainstream, and no doubt Wilcox would bristle at the idea that it is pure antisemitism. But it is.
It is a blood libel against Jews because of the assumptions it makes - assumptions not based on the facts but on Hamas propaganda, filtered and laundered through the world media.
The antisemitic and anti-Zionist assumptions are:
1. Israeli Jews are fighting in Gaza not for any legitimate reason, but for "vengeance" for October 7.
2. Israeli Jews justify the war by appealing falsely to Judeo-Christian values but in fact they are hypocrites who eagerly flout those values.
3. Dehumanizing the terrorists who raped, burned and kidnapped Israelis is morally wrong. Real morality requires us to be better than that.
3a. The implication in this poem is that Hamas actions must be judged as part of a complex moral continuum within a larger context, but Israeli actions are 100% immoral.
4. Anyone who supports Israel doesn't care about human suffering.
When you look objectively at what she is saying, the underlying hate becomes much clearer. But even worse, the framework of the poem itself is classic Christian antisemitism: painting Jews as being anti-Christmas and anti-Christian values is the Jew-hating icing on the cake. It today's Spanish Inquisition.
Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas. Before October 7, Israel had detente with the terror group, assuming that it was acting pragmatically for the good of Gazans. In fact, it was using Gazan welfare which Israel has always wanted - as a deception to plan the worst attack on Jews since Auschwitz.
Hamas' actions since then proves that every single civilian casualty comes directly from their treating innocent people as cannon fodder and human shields. Every one. Their building hundreds of miles of tunnels, their using schools and mosques for military purposes, even their own words prove how civilian deaths are a strategy.
At no time in history has an army fought against an enemy that uses civilians as their main line of defense. Israel's humanity was seen as a weakness to be exploited by Hamas.
Given this reality, Israel faced a choice: Destroy Hamas which will inevitably result in the deaths of thousands of innocents, or allow Hamas to plan and mount more October 7s.
Israel's choice was the moral one: protecting its own citizens is the highest goal of every civilized country. Israel was forced to wage a war it didn't want, and to do everything it can to minimize civilian casualties within that context.
This is what it did, in ways that no army in history has ever done. No one has ever done more than Israel to ensure mass quantities of food, medicine and other aid be brought into an active war zone. In other wars, the ruling government would move civilians out of the way of the fighting; in this war because Hamas wants their people to die for PR it is up to their enemy to evacuate the people as safely as possible. Every military expert that has visited Israel has been impressed with how much Israel does to reduce casualties while fighting a necessary, existential war.
Destroying Hamas is not a luxury after October 7 - it is a profoundly moral imperative. And self-righteous preachers like Wilcox don't know what morality means.
Moral midgets like Cathy Wilcox willingly follows Hamas' script. They swallow and regurgitate the lies, adding their own layer of hate. And they do it while taking on the mantle of morality and humanitarianism. To them, it is crystal clear that Jews have to live with terrorists next door and among themselves, to accept being slaughtered every few years (or days as they were during the second intifada,) to stay purely on defense and allow the Islamists to flourish to attack them and their loved ones again and again
Wilcox thinks that rhyming proves wit when her assumptions are shit.
(h/t Jill)
Buy EoZ's books on Amazon! "He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024) PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022) |