
Monday, September 23, 2024

The UN is the real mockery of international humanitarian law

The UN issued a press release:

Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
NEW YORK/GENEVA/ROME/WASHINGTON – As world leaders gather in New York for the 79th United Nations General Assembly, and as the threat of a wider regional escalation looms, we renew our demand for an end to the appalling human suffering and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

We mourn the loss of innocent life everywhere, including those killed on October 7 and during the 11 months of conflict since then. 

We urgently call for a sustained, immediate and unconditional ceasefire. This is the only way to end the suffering of civilians and save lives.

All hostages and all those arbitrarily detained must be released immediately and unconditionally. 
This is the tone of the entire piece. The UN equates Hamas with Israel and it cannot write a full sentence to condemn Hamas actions alone without also condemning Israel. But there are plenty that only condemn Israeli actions, like:

More than 41,000 Palestinians in Gaza – the majority of them civilians, including women, children, older persons and at times entire families – have reportedly been killed, and more than 95,500 have been injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. ...The risk of famine persists with all 2.1 million residents still in urgent need of food and livelihood assistance as humanitarian access remains restricted.....
And then, in case you weren't sure this was a anti-Israel screed, it adds a gratuitous sentence about the West Bank and "settlers" that doesn't mention a word about Palestinian terror attacks over the past year that originated there.

Unnecessary and disproportionate force unleashed in the West Bank, combined with escalating settler violence, house demolitions, forced displacement and discriminatory movement restrictions, have caused increased fatalities and casualties.
This one sentence shows how little the UN cares about international law and how eager it is to bash Israel while pretending to be objective:

The parties’ conduct over the last year makes a mockery of their claim to adhere to international humanitarian law and the minimum standards of humanity that it demands. 
Only one party claims to adhere to IHL - and it has lots of evidence that it is doing so. It is Hamas that has a strategy of putting civilians in danger, not Israel.  

The statement does not mention Hamas' human shield strategy. It does not mention how, exactly, Israel is expected to fight the most bloodthirsty terrorists without hurting some civilians.

Actually, it does: unconditional cease fire where Hamas will be free to mount another October 7. 

Sorry, UN, but your pretense at "both sidesism" is transparent. You want the status quo where Jews are in danger from a terrorist organization and you want to stop Israel from fighting back.

That is not international humanitarian law. That is an invitation for more terror.

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