
Monday, September 23, 2024

Arab news site: "The plan of global Zionism is for the Jews to rule over the goyim," quoting a non-existent rabbi

One feature of antisemitic conspiracy theories is their resiliency.  They pop up, they get debunked, they are resurrected a couple of years later, over and over again.

Here's one that comes from 1952.

Arab site Al Shiraa has an article by Abdul Hadi Muhaisen titled, "The plan of global Zionism is for the Jews to rule over the "goyim", i.e. the non-Jews."

It starts off this way:
On 12/5/1952, Chief Rabbi Emanuel Rabinowitz delivered a secret speech before the extraordinary conference of the Emergency Committee of the Rabbis of Europe, in which he said: “Greetings to you, my sons... I must inform you that the goal for which we have been working for three thousand years has now become within our reach... And I can assure you now that it will not be a few years until our people regains the first place which is its natural right that has been usurped for many generations, and then things will return to normal and every Jew will become a master and every goy (non-Jew) a slave..."
The entire speech is a fabrication, as is "Chief Rabbi Emanuel Rabinowitz." Wikipedia has an entry on the subject, noting that the speech was created by a well-known white supremacist and Holocaust denier of the 1950s named Eustace Clarence Mullins, Jr. (In that same year of 1952 he penned an article called "Adolph Hitler: An Appreciation.") 

One reason this forgery keeps getting believed is that someone sent this fabricated speech to the CIA, where it was dutifully archived and is now available for everyone to see when the archives were made public. Since it is at the real CIA site, it is getting more credibility today than it did at any time before this century.

Arab sites love right wing antisemitic conspiracy theories.

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